The Benefits Of Olive Oil For Face And Body Skin - Health and Beauty

The Benefits Of Olive Oil For Face And Body Skin - Health and Beauty

Many people make use of olive oil as one of the ingredients of beauty treatments, even since the days of ancient Rome. check out the benefits of olive oil for the face and the skin below.

Olive oil is the FAT or oil obtained from the olive tree grinding results. The oil that comes from traditional crops in the Mediterranean region contains fats, vitamin E, vitamin K, and very little iron.

Olive oil has been used in various purposes such as medicine, food, SOAP, fuel for lamps, traditional, and even cosmetics. Olive oil can be blended into food, smeared onto the lips as a softener and lip gloss, and fix cracked lips. In addition, olive oil can be used to soften the skin is dry and cracked for example on elbows and heels.

For facial skin
If you run out of makeup and cleanser in the kitchen there are olive oil, just use the oil to remove the residual waste make up on face. Many brands now make products cosmetics cleansing oil (oil cleaner) to "washing the face". Cleansing oil that is made from natural oils, one of them is olive oil.

The cleaning of oil olive oil can be used to remove make-up easily. According to dermatologist, cleansing oil tends to be free of harmful chemicals, Parabens, because made of natural ingredients and do not wipe out the natural oils in the face. However, be careful if you still wear contact lenses when using a cleansing oil, can-can this facial cleanser instead settles in contact lenses.

The benefits of olive oil for the face can also be applied as a mask or facial. Here's how, simply apply extra virgin olive oil (pure) to the face. Or

It can also by mixing two teaspoons of Apple Cider vinegar, one teaspoon of olive oil and one teaspoon of honey. Then, apply the mixture on the face and let sit for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat dry the face with a clean towel to use ditepuk-tepuk way.

For body skin
Overcome dry skin and damming the skin are also thought to be wrong two benefits of olive oil for the face. Olive oil is similar to the natural oils produced by the skin, so it is easily absorbed into the skin well. Olive oil does not usually cause allergies, but it is recommended not to be applied topically to skin breakouts. And according to one study, even olive oil may help protect the body against skin cancer.

Antioxidant substances and a bitter taste that is present in olive oil thought to be able to make the skin becomes smoother and more radiant. In addition to the skin topically applied, consuming olive oil can also give you a useful antioxidant benefits of removing free radicals and reduce inflammation that affects the wrinkles and tighten skin.

The benefits of olive oil for face and body skin is alleged could also be applied to treat Eczema (red skin and itching), psoriasis (red skin and flaky), and fungal infections (ringworm, and mushrooms in a folding body). However, further research and evidence required to support the various statements.

Olive oil is indeed natural, but when after smeared there are signs of allergy, immediately cease usage and went to doctor to get the appropriate further handling.

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